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现代数学前沿讲座第068讲 田培馨(香港大学)

发布日期:2024-03-04    作者:         点击:

报告题目:CoxMKF: A Knockoff Filter for High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis with a Survival Outcome in Epigenetic Studies

报告摘要:Motivation: It is of scientific interest to identify DNA methylation CpG sites that might mediate the effect of an environmental exposure on a survival outcome in high-dimensional mediation analysis. However, there is a lack of powerful statistical methods that can provide a guarantee of false discovery rate (FDR) control in finite-sample settings. Results: In this article, we propose a novel method called CoxMKF, which applies aggregation of multiple knockoffs to a Cox proportional hazards model for a survival outcome with high-dimensional mediators. The proposed CoxMKF can achieve FDR control even in finite-sample settings, which is particularly advantageous when the sample size is not large. Moreover, our proposed CoxMKF can overcome the randomness of the unstable model-X knockoffs. Our simulation results show that CoxMKF controls FDR well in finite samples. We further apply CoxMKF to a lung cancer data set from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project with 754 subjects and 365 306 DNA methylation CpG sites, and identify four DNA methylation CpG sites that might mediate the effect of smoking on the overall survival among lung cancer patients.

报告人简介:田培馨,本科毕业于武汉大学应用数学专业,随后在密歇根大学安娜堡分校深造,获得应用统计学硕士学位。目前就读于香港大学统计与精算学系,在读博士研究生四年级。我的导师是香港大学统计与精算学系的张彦博士和哥伦比亚大学生物统计系的刘中华博士。主要研究领域涵盖生物统计学、统计遗传学、全基因组分析研究、中介分析以及变量选择。在学术研究方面,我在领域内的主要期刊上发表了三篇SCI论文,分别发表于Bioinformatics、BMC Bioinformatics和Frontiers in Genetic。并在处理UK Biobank、KEGG、TCGA和ADNI等数据库方面有丰富的经验,熟练运用R、Python和PLINK等工具进行数据分析和建模。



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