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现代数学前沿讲座第087讲 高翔宇(广西师范大学)

发布日期:2024-07-02  来源:   点击量:

报告题目:Dynamic gain scheduling control design for linear multiagent systems subject to input saturation

报告摘要:This report considers the finite-time bipartite consensus problem governed by linear multiagent systems subject to input saturation under directed interaction topology. Due to the existence of input saturation, the dynamic performance of linear multiagent systems degrades significantly. For the improvement of the dynamic performance of systems, a dynamic gain scheduling control approach is proposed to design a dynamic Laplacian-like feedback controller, which can be obtained from the analytical solution of a parametric Lyapunov equation. Suppose that each agent is asymptotically null controllable with bounded control, and that the corresponding interaction topology of the signed directed graph with a spanning tree is structurally balanced. Then the dynamic Laplacian-like feedback control can ensure that linear multiagent systems will achieve the finite time bipartite consensus. The dynamic gain scheduling control can better improve the bipartite consensus performance of the linear multiagent systems than the static gain scheduling control. Finally, two examples are provided to show the eectiveness of the proposed control design method.

报告人简介:高翔宇,教授,博士,2014年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,研究方向为系统稳定性分析及鲁棒优化控制应用。 现主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,省部级项目 5项,参加国家自然科学基金面上项目 2 项 (均排名第2)。目前,已在Int. J. Robust Nonlin., J. Franklin I., Int. J. Control,IET Control. Theory Appl.,Optim. Contr.Appl. Met.,J. Optimiz. Theory App., Neurocomputing, IMA J. Math. Control I. 和Appl. Math. Comput.等本领域重要杂志上发表 SCI 收录论文20多篇;出版学术专著1部;曾获得省自然科学基金三等奖1项,校级科研成果奖一等奖1项。

报告时间:2024年07月03日 15:00-16:00

报告地点:同析4号楼 322会议室