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发布日期:2023-06-21  来源:   点击量:







l 研究领域:微分方程数值解

l 招生专业:计算数学(硕士)


n 2022.12——至今,云南师范大学,教授

n 2022.11——2022.12,上饶师范学院,教授

n 2019.12——2022.11,上饶师范学院,副教授

n 2016.06——2019.12上饶师范学院,讲师


u 2013.09——2016.06,南京大学,数学系,数学,博士研究生

u 2010.09——2013.06,南昌大学,理学院,计算数学,硕士研究生

u 2006.09——2010.07,南昌大学,理学院,信息与计算科学,本科


² 中国数学会会员、中国天文学会会员、江西省天文学会理事

² 美国数学评论评论员


v 2022.012025.12,后牛顿N体问题的长期数值动力学相关问题研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目(12163003),37万,主持

v 2019.012021.12,高振荡保守/耗散系统的指数型保结构算法,国家自然科学基青年科学基金项目(11801377),23万,主持

v 2019.072022.06,江西省科技创新杰出青年人才培养计划(现江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人培养计划青年人才项目,20192BCBL23030),江西省科技厅,30万,主持

v 2019.072022.06,后牛顿拉格朗日系统的保结构算法理论及应用,江西省自然科学基金青年基金重点项目(现杰出青年基金项目,20192ACBL21053),20万,主持

v 2017.072019.06高振荡哈密尔顿波方程的保结构算法,江西省自然科学基金青年基金项(20171BAB211005),6万,主持


1. Lijie Mei; Li Huang; Xinyuan Wu*; Energy-preserving continuous-stage exponential Runge--Kutta integrators for efficiently solving Hamiltonian systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2022, 44(3): A1092--A1115.

2. Lijie Mei; Li Huang; Xinyuan Wu*; A unified framework for the study of high-order energy-preserving integrators for solving Poisson systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 450: 110822.

3. Lijie Mei; Li Huang; Xinyuan Wu*; Energy-preserving exponential integrators of arbitrarily high order for conservative or dissipative systems with highly oscillatory solutions, Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 442: 110429.

4. Li Huang; Lijie Mei*; Energy-preserving integrators for post-Newtonian Lagrangian dynamics, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 2020, 251(1): 8.

5. Li Huang; Lijie Mei*; Symplectic integrators for post-Newtonian Lagrangian dynamics, Physical Review D, 2019, 100(2): 024057.

6. Lijie Mei*; Li Huang; Shixiang Huang; Exponential integrators with quadratic energy preservation for linear Poisson systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, 387: 446--454.

7. Lijie Mei*; Li Huang; Reliability of Lyapunov characteristic exponents computed by the two-particle method, Computer Physics Communications, 2018, 224: 108--118.

8. Lijie Mei; Changying Liu; Xinyuan Wu*; An essential extension of the finite-energy condition for extended Runge--Kutta--Nyström integrators when applied to nonlinear wave equations, Communications in Computational Physics, 2017, 22(3): 742--764.

9. Lijie Mei; Xinyuan Wu*; Symplectic exponential Runge--Kutta methods for solving nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 2017, 338: 67--584.

10. Lijie Mei; Xinyuan Wu*; The construction of arbitrary order ERKN methods based on group theory for solving oscillatory Hamiltonian systems with applications, Journal of Computational Physics, 2016, 323: 171--190.


u 江西省2022年度“新时代赣鄱先锋”之“突出贡献好榜样”、2017年上饶市高层次人才
